Camp O.P.P. is offering 5 camp programs this summer (click on the links below for more information):

  1. [gventry entry_id=27 view_id="2031"]
    Pet Companions (rising 4th-8th graders)
  2. [gventry entry_id=25 view_id="2031"]
    Rescue & Adopt (rising 4th-8th graders)
  3. [gventry entry_id=26 view_id="2031"]
    Kindness & Compassion for All Animals (rising 4th-8th graders)
  4. [gventry entry_id=29 view_id="2031"]
    Helping Animals (rising 7th-9th graders)
  5. [gventry entry_id=30 view_id="2031"]
    For Repeat Campers Only (rising 4th-9th graders)

To determine if Camp O.P.P. is appropriate for your child and for camp logistics such as location and start/end times, click on the links below:

  1. [gventry entry_id=36 view_id="2031"]
    Is Camp O.P.P. right your child?
  2. [gventry entry_id=34 view_id="2031"]
    Camp Location
  3. [gventry entry_id=31 view_id="2031"]
    Camp Hours
  4. [gventry entry_id=33 view_id="2031"]
  5. [gventry entry_id=32 view_id="2031"]
    Lunch / Snacks / Drinks
  6. [gventry entry_id=35 view_id="2031"]
  7. [gventry entry_id=38 view_id="2031"]
    Camp Refund Policy
  8. [gventry entry_id=37 view_id="2031"]

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