Learning Center
Our Pal’s Place offers learning programs tailored to youth and adults. We believe through learning people become empowered to make a difference in the lives of animals.
Our programs can be conducted on-site at Our Pal's Place in our Learning Center or off-site at your organization or school. Please contact Kendra McCool, Director of Education for more information and to schedule an event: kendra.mccool@ourpalsplace.org

Girl Scout Troops: Our Pal’s Place offers customized programs to Girl Scout Troops to accommodate the troop's subject of interest and to obtain different badges and awards. Some troops choose to set-up tables at pet supply stores to promote adopting dogs while collecting wish list items for Our Pal's Place. Some troops choose to do programs in our Learning Center where the scouts have hands-on experience with the dogs and cats housed in our Pet Adoption Facility.

School Clubs & Church: Our Pal’s Place partners with schools such as Nicholson Elementary's Paws & Claws Club and Lassiter High School's Shelter Club to provide learning programs. We frequently visit churches and bring some of our furry friends to talk about the importance of adopting!

High School & College Visits: Our Pal’s Place visits high schools and colleges frequently to discuss animal welfare. Customized programs are created to accommodate the topic of interest. We also host clubs on-site who want to do volunteer projects.

Most Popular Learning Programs
Pet Overpopulation
Program Objective: Understand the concept of "pet overpopulation", what it means to the animals and what solutions exist
This is O.P.P.'s signature learning program where we use games to demonstrate the pet overpopulation problem and how it affects dogs and cats. A second game is used to demonstrate why the solution of spay/neuter works in resolving the problem.
Dog Language 101
Program Objective: Understand what dogs and cats are communicating to us through their body language
Dogs and cats are always communicating with us! We need to understand what they are saying. Developed by our Director of Training, Sandy Adcock, we use pictures to uncover how dogs and cats communicate to us that they are happy, calming down, stressed and mad.
How to approach a new dog
Program Objective: Understand and practice how to approach a new dog on leash and why not to approach free-roaming dogs
This program is excellent for younger audiences. After talking through how to approach new dogs, the kids get to practice. The program concludes with a discussion of why not to approach free roaming dogs.
Adopt vs Buy
Program Objective: Understand the difference between adopting and buying a pet
This program begins with a quick game to understand the concept of business. A presentation follows to discuss where puppies in stores come from, how puppies end up in county shelters and the difference between buying and adopting.
Dog Breeds
Program Objective: Understand breed categories and characteristics and the challenges each breed category faces
A discussion and pictures describe the 7 categories of breeds and their characteristics. A game follows where characteristics are matched to the appropriate breed category.

Custom Programs
The Business of Saving Lives: ACES International Conference asked Our Pal's Place Executive Director, Gigi Graves, to present a 90 minute session on how to apply business knowledge in the non-profit sector. Through case studies and personal experience of creating Our Pal's Place Pet Adoption Facility and Learning Center, she stepped through the most important business concepts needed to make an animal advocacy organization successful. Two years later she was invited back again to be a key speaker on the business of saving lives.
Animal Abuse & Neglect: Georgia Highlands College asked Our Pal's Place to speak on animal abuse and neglect for a class' service project. We created a presentation that addressed abuse and neglect faced by domesticated pets, circus animals and farm livestock. And, more importantly, we provided solutions to the problems discussed and how the class could take action.
The Connection between Pet and Human Abuse: Kennesaw State University asked Our Pal's Place to join a panel discussion for human services, criminal justice, social work, sociology, nursing, education and non-profit leadership majors. Our discussion linked these fields of service to pets with studies proving that human abuse is preceded by animal abuse.
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Why Adopt From Our Pal’s Place?
Companion Match
We work with you to find a pet companion who is a good match for your home and lifestyle.
Adoption Support Services
Post adoption support is provided to help your new pet companion acclimate to your home.
Our Philosophy
Pets need time to bond with their new people, learn house rules and become comfortable in a home. Some pets adjust quicker than others. We want to help you and your new pet companion through this adjustment period.
Our Pet Adoption Facility is open Saturday and Sundays 1:00-5:00pm and weekday by appointment.